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Bentley, Jerry H.
Old World Encounters: Cross-Cultural Contacts and Exchanges in Pre Modern Times.
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Arab Seafaring: In the Indian Ocean in Ancient and Early Medieval Times.
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The origins of capitalism and the „rise of the west“ revisited.
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Der Autor untersucht die Organisationsformen der großen Handelsräume (Zentralasien, Chinesisches Meer, Indischer Ozean, Transsahar u.a.) und weist u.a. darauf hin, dass für Südostasien vergleichbare Organisationsformen nahezu unbekannt sind (S. 100). Ein weiterer Unterschied ist, dass Kaufleute in Südindien von der politischen Teilhabe ausgeschlossen waren (S. 100).Subrahmanyam, Sanjay
Merchant Networks in the Early Modern World 1450-1800.
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Italian merchant organization and business relationships in early Tudor London - Wang Gungwu
Merchants without empire: the Hokkien sojourning communities - Sanjay Subrahmanyam
Iranians abroad: intra-Asian elite migration and early modern state formation - Cemal Kafadar
A death in Venice (1575): Anatolian Muslim merchants trading in the Serenissima - Levon Khatchikian
The ledger of the merchantHovhannes Joughayetsi
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The Chulia Muslim merchants in southeast Asia, 1650-1800 - Niels Steensgaard
Consuls and nations in the Levant from 1570 to 1650 - F. W. Carter
The commerce of the Dubrovnik Republic, 1500-1700 - Gershom David Hundert
The role of the Jews in commerce in early modern Poland-Lithuania - Robert Brenner
The social basis of English commercial expansion, 1550-1650 - Bruce G. Trigger
The French presence in Huronia: the structure of Franco-Huron relations in the first half of the 17th century
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The Maritime and Continental Networks of Kīsh Merchants under Mongol Rule: The Role of the Indian Ocean, Fārs and Iraq.
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 62.2-3 (2019) 428–63. Online .
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