===== Unterwegs im 11. Jahrhundert ===== → Übersichtsseite [[wiki:reisegenerationen|Zeitleiste der Reisegenerationen]]\\ → Vorwärts ins [[wiki:Unterwegs im 12. Jahrhundert |12. Jahrhundert]]\\ → Zurück ins [[wiki:reisegenerationen#Das Mittelalter als Epoche|Mittelalter]] ==== Technik: Ausrüstung, Transport & Verkehr ==== [[wiki:ausruestung|Ausrüstung]], [[wiki:transport|Transport]] * ''Musca, Vito Sivo '' (Hg.)\\ //Strumenti, tempi e luoghi di communicazione nel Mezzogiorno normanno-svevo//\\ Atti delle undecime Giornate normanno-sveve, Bari, 26-29 ottobre 1993 (= Atti. Università di Bari. Centro di studi normanno-svevi, 11) 374 S. Edizioni Dedalo, [Bari], 1995. 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Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt 2000, =Ausgewählte Quellen zur deutschen Geschichte des Mittelalters 13; Text lateinisch-deutsch)) und beim Übergang am Monte Cenis waren die Dienste von [[wiki:fuehrer|Führern]] mit [[wiki:schlitten|Schlitten]] erforderlich. * **um 1090** ''C.H. Haskins''\\ //A Canterbury Monk at Constantinople, c. 1090//\\ English Historical Review 25 (1910) 294-295 »Joseph the monk« * **1095-1103** Erik der Rote (altnordisch Eiríkr (inn) rauði Þorvaldsson, 930/950--1003/ * ''Riis, Thomas''\\ //Erik Ier du Danemark (1095-1103): un roi voyageur diplomate.//\\ S. 291-299 in: Korres, Theodoros (Hg.): Anoichtosyne: meletes pros timen tes Basilikes Papulia [Openness. Studies in honour of Vasiliki Papoulia] Thessalonike 2012 * **ab dem 11. Jahrhundert** * ''Madelung, Wilferd''\\ //The Migration of Hanafi Scholars Westward from Central Asia in the 11th to 13th Centuries//\\ S. 41-55 in: Madelung: Studies in Medieval Muslim Thought and History, VIII, 2013. * ''Tabish Khair'', ''Martin Leer'', ''Justin D. Edwards'', ''Hanna Ziadeh'' (Hg.)\\ //Other Routes: 1500 Years of African and Asian Travel Writing//\\ XII, 421 S. Oxford 2006: Signal. Inhalt u.a. * //Pilgrims// * Three Chinese Scholars go 'West' to India (5th -7th century) * The Travels of a Japanese Monk (c. 838) * The Pillow Book of ''Sei Shonagon'' (c. 990) * The Haj and Other Journeys of ''ibn Jubayr'' (b. 1145) * The Pilgrimages of ''Lady Nijo'' (b. 1271) * //Studies// * ''Al-buruni'''s Defence of Hindu India (1030 AD) * The Horizons of ''al-Idrisi'' in the 11th Century * Two Chinese Accounts of the Early Mongols (1221 and 1237) * A Chinese Account of the Lost City of Angkor (1297) * Navigating with ''ibn Majid'' (floreat 1460) * ''Piri Reis'': The Voyages of a 'Corsair' (c. 1526) * The Ambivalences of ''Leo Africanus'' (1526) * //Autobiographies, Diaries and Memoires// * The Memoirs of a Syrian Prince-Polymath (b. 1273) * A Korean Official's Account of China (1488) * The Travel Memoirs of ''Babur'' (b. 1482) * The European Diaries of ''Uruch Beg'' (b. 1560) * The Travel Diaries of ''Xu Xiake'' (1623) * ''Equiano'''s Voyage to Slavery and Freedom (1789) * ''Dean Mahomed'' Writes from the Centre (c. 1793) * African Muslim Slave Narratives of the 19th Century * The Diary of ''Queen Emma of Hawaii'' (b. 1836) * The ''Shah of Iran'' in European Corridors (1873) * An African-Arab Princess in Europe (1881) * //Travel accounts// * A Merchant of Baghdad Reports on a Viking Funeral (A.D. 922) * ''Al-Abdari'', the Disgruntled Traveller (c. 1290) * ''Ibn Battutah'', World Traveller (b. 1304) * An Arab Cleric in South America (1668-83) * The Poetry of ''Basho'''s Road (1689) * ''Mirza I'tesamuddin'''s Wonders of Vilayet (1765) * An Indian Aristocrat in Africa and Europe (1803) * ''Al-Amraoui'': Moroccan Ambassador to Europe (1860) * ''Blyden'': A Pan-Africanist's Voyage to Palestine (1873) * ''Malabari'': A Love-Hate Affair with the British (1890)