



Eine Bezeichnung für solche Waldläufer im nördlichen Amerika, die als Wegbereiter der Kolonisation galten, vergleichbar dem pioneer und frontiersman.

  • Paul Leland Haworth [1876-1936]
    Trail Makers of the Northwest.
    VIII, 277 S., 25 Tafeln. Bibliogr. S. 275-277 New York 1921: Harcourt, Brace. Online, Inhalt u.a.:
    • The Beaver and his wonderful works and how the demand for his fur led to Great Discoveries
    • The Discovery of Hudson Bay and the Great Lakes
    • Pierre Radisson and how his explorations led to the founding of the Hudson's Bay Company
    • Samuel Hearne and his search for a copper mine
    • M. De la Verendrye and his search for the western sea
    • How Mackenzie reached the Arctic … reached the Pacific
    • The fur-trading adventures of Alexander Henry
    • Methods of travel in the fur land
    • How the Red River Half-Breeds hunted the buffaloes
    • Further Sidelights of Indian Life
    • The tragic voyages of Sir John Franklin
    • Later Travelers and Explorers in the Canadian Northwest
    • How Amundsen made the Northwest Passage
    • The Coming of the Settlers
    • The Brotherhood of Trappers and Prospectors of To-day
  • John Bach McMaster
    The Trail Makers: A Library of History and Exploration.
    10 Bände. New York: A. S. Barnes
    • 1 1905 Adolph Francis Alphonse Bandelier [1840-1914]
      The journey of Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca and his companions from Florida to the Pacific, 1528-1536; tr. from his own narrative by Fanny Bandelier, together with the report of Father Marcos of Nizza and a letter from the viceroy Mendoza
      XXII, 230 S. 2 Faksim. Faltkarte. Online . Mendoza, Antonio de, um 1492-1552; Nizza, Marco da, um 1510-1570.
    • 2 1904 History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis & Clark to the sources of the Missouri, thence across the Rocky mountains and down the river Columbia to the Pacific ocean, performed during the years 1804-5-6, by order of the government of the United States.
      A complete reprint of the Biddle ed. of 1814, to which all the members of the expedition contributed, with an account of the Louisiana purchase. 3 Bände. Online
      Meriwether Lewis [1774-1809], William Clark [1770-1838], Patrick Gass [1771-1870]
    • 3 1904 George Parker Winship [1871-1952]
      The journey of Coronado : 1540-1542 ; from the City of Mexico to the Grand Canon of the Colorado and the Buffalo Plains of Texas, Kansas, and Nebraska.
      XXXIV, 251 S. Ill. Online
      • Itinerary of the Coronado expeditions, 1527-1547
      • Translations of the narrative of Castañeda,
      • … the letter from Mendoza to the King, April 17, 1540
      • … the letter from Coronado to Mendoza, August 3, 1540
      • … the Traslado de las nuevas
      • … the Relacion del suceso
      • … a letter from Coronado to the King, October 20, 1541
      • … the narrative of Jaramillo [Juan, † um 1550]
      • … the report of Hernando de Alvarado [† um/nach 1540]
      • Testimony concerning those who went on the expedition with Francisco Vasquez Coronado [1510–1554]
    • 4 1906 Edward Gaylord Bourne, Annie Nettleton Bourne
      The voyages and explorations of Samuel de Champlain (1604-1616)
      (=Les voyages de la Novvelle France occidentale, dicte Canada, Paris, 1632) Annie Nettleton Bourne (Übersetzung), together with the voyage of 1603, reprinted from Purchas his pilgrimes; 2 Bände. XL, 254 Seiten Karten. Online
    • 5 1905 Isaac Joslin Cox
      The journeys of Réné Robert Cavelier Sieur de La Salle[1643-1687] : as related by his faithful lieutenant, Henri de Tonty [1649/1650-1704] [and others] 2 Bände. 2: VI, 259 S. Ill., Karten Online
    • 6 1903 Mackenzie, Alexander, Sir [1763-1820], Robert Waite (Einführung)
      Voyages from Montreal through the Continent of North America to the Frozen and Pacific Oceans in 1789 and 1793 : with an account of the rise and state of the fur trade 2 Bände. 2: VIII, 360 Seiten Karten. Online
    • 7 1904 Gen. Sir William Francis Butler [1838-1910]
      The wild Northland : being the story of a winter journey, with dog, across northern North America.
      XX, 360 S. Karten. Online
    • 8 1903 Daniel Williams Harmon [1778-1843], W. L. Grant (Einführung)
      A journal of voyages and travels in the interior of North America : being the 47th and 58th degrees of N. Lat., extending from Montreal nearly to the Pacific, a distance of about 5,000 miles
      Including an account of the principal occurrences during a residence og nineteen years in different parts of the country. XXIII, 382 S. Online
    • 9 1904 History of the expedition under the command of Captains Lewis & Clark to the sources of Missouri, thence across in the Rocky Mountains and down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean ; performed during the years 1804-5-6, by order of the Government of the United States ; A complete reprint of the Biddle ed. of 1814, to which all the members of the expedition contributed, with an account of the Louisiana purchase; and notes upon the route
      3 Bände. 3: XVII, 382 S. Ill. Karten Online
    • 10 1904 Colden, Cadwallader [1688-1776]
      The history of the five Indian nations of Canada which are dependent on the Province of New York, and are a barrier between the English and the French in that part of the world
      2 Bände. 2:III, 387 S. Ill. Karten. Online
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